Grease & Sand Trap Service Cleaning & Pumping
Serving Dallas / Fort Worth, Burleson, Cleburne & Surrounding Counties
In a world of pristine perfection, restaurant grease traps and industrial sand traps, as well aerobic and traditional residential septic systems with all their expensive components, would work well and function forever, without the need for a myriad of maintenance programs, cleaning, pumping, repair, nor any maintenance whatsoever. Most unfortunately, none of that reflects the brutal biting reality of the business world.
Harrington Environmental Services – Septic Pumping & Grease Trap Service provides professional licensed factory trained experts for all your commercial and residential pumping services to properly maintain your grease or sand trap.
Serving Aledo, Arlington, Burleson, Cleburne, Dallas Fort Worth, Joshua, Mansfield, Tarrant County, Weatherford, and surrounding areas.

Commercial Grease & Sand Trap Service, Pumping and Cleaning
Routine grease trap and sand trap pumping, just as routine aerobic system and septic system pumping and cleaning are the crucial golden key or silver bullet to maintaining a robust, healthy and vibrant commercial grease trap and a residential septic system. The regular pumping and cleaning of your sand or grease trap is crucial the health of the city sewer system and the ecological system of which it plays a vital infrastructure part. There is absolutely no way on this planet to avoid dangerous murky fats, oils and grease coagulation by sludge buildup, except by an actual pumping and cleaning of your sand or grease trap system. Regular pumping and servicing keeps your system at a manageable level, reduces the need for costly embarrassing repairs and municipal back-ups and overflows as well helps identify potent potential problems before they materialize.
One’s individual frequency is dependent upon these many factors. It always best to contact Harrington Environmental Services – Septic Pumping & Grease Trap Service and discuss your particular situation with absolute confidence and full confidentiality.
Commercial Grease Trap Repairs
When Harrington’s Dallas / Fort Worth grease trap and septic service technicians service your aerobic system or septic system, each component is inspected to make sure the system is in proper working order and quality working condition. Grease traps need be inspected, serviced and maintained so they shall stay that way for many, many years to come. The absolute best technique and protocol is applied to your trap with our unique deep cleansing technique.
Commercial Grease Trap Design & Installation
Whether you are installing a brand new grease trap, repairing an old grease trap, or installing a new one, we are able help.
There shall be local and state regulations as well as permitting requirements. Harrington’s Dallas / Fort Worth grease trap and septic cleaning will get you through the entire process from initial design, permitting, modifications and ultimately a successful well-designed professional installation of which you and your team shall be proud and the envy of the neighborhood.
Our Special Deep Cleansing Options include:
- Custom cleaning and back-wash pumping when necessary.
- Back-Wash: This option Involves high-pressure liquid removed from the septic chambers and under intense pressure force blasted back into the chambers to clean and liquefy solids build up.
- This is good to give the system or trap what is needed – a thorough cleaning.
- Some systems do not require this intensity.
Business Grease Services
No business owner wants to shut down their business nor lose customers because of a grease trap overflow, drain issue or a non-compliant grease trap. This is precisely why Harrington’s Dallas / Fort Worth grease trap and septic cleaning team of experts go above and beyond standard grease trap cleaning services and handle all of the grease removal needs for your business. We thoroughly inspect your system, check for warning signs and suggest appropriate service frequencies and maintenance plans. Our goal is to keep your grease trap and thus your business running well and smoothly.
Inside Grease Trap Cleaning
Routine maintenance of interior grease traps is necessary to keep the rest of your indoor pipes flowing smoothly. Fats, oils, grease and solids can build up in your pipes and cause problems. Harrington Environmental Services – Septic Pumping & Grease Trap Service provides the absolute most effective grease trap cleaning for commercial businesses in the food and beverage industry; including meat processing, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, commercial cafeterias, retirement homes, school dining facilities, supermarkets, grocery shops, convenience stores, and others.
Our highly trained and experienced technicians follow the Harrington’s approved ritual of inside grease trap preventative maintenance program to fully inspect your grease trap by properly scraping down the walls of the trap where and if possible and inspecting the condition of the trap itself, including baffles and cover if so designed. After this detailed inspection, we’ll perform a full clean-out of your grease trap.
Our technicians shall review and recommend the appropriate service frequency based on the condition of those traps. We will also update our computerized service log so as the health department inspectors have the proper documentation when needed or necessary.
Outside Grease Tank Services
Consistent servicing of an outside grease trap is crucial and critical. If not serviced properly, the tank may experience concrete-like hardened grease buildup, which may cause backups or overflows outside as well as drainage issues inside. While many companies only skim off the top layer, our technicians give you a full pump-out, a thorough pump-down and clean-out of your grease trap. Many in the industry like to play word games and mislead and trick the customer with the substitution of the word cleaning and pumping, twisting something so simple to meet their needs which results in you the customer being cheated.
We do not engage in those silly tricks, nor do we engage in “ desk-top” pumping! That is, where you are sent an invoice and nothing more, just the paperwork. Ask our staff for an explanation of this insidious chicanery.
Harrington Environmental Services – Septic Pumping & Grease Trap Service implements our time honored inspection that includes checking the inlet and outlet pipes where possible, as well checking the flow and grease thickness. We shall then suggest service frequency and provide you with a complete condition evaluation.
Many towns and states require specific grease tank servicing mandated by their FOG (Fat, Oils, Grease) program.
With a Harrington routine maintenance program, we ensure your grease traps are serviced correctly so your system runs efficiently and in complete command compliance to avoid violation fees and social embarrassment.
You may rely on us for all your grease disposal needs.
Your Environmental Liquid Waste Solutions Specialist
Serving Dallas & Fort Worth, Aledo, Arlington, Burleson, Cleburne, Weatherford & Surrounding Counties